Dance Waves
Beltane: Into the Summerlands
A Warm Place – Ecstatic Dance Wave – Rescheduled
Suggested: $10.00 -
Spell Songs: A celebration of Beltaine and exploration of connection to place and land
Suggested: $10.00 -
Rollin’ On Roller Skates in the Age of Aquarius
An Embodiment of Love
Suggested: $10.00 -
The Narrowing
Events and Blog
Homage to Castanea at Asheville Ecstatic Dance
Intention: Homage to Castanea Let's dance for the American Chestnut! Castanea dentata, the America Chestnut. Before the coming of the chestnut blight to the American continent in 1904, the American Chestnut was over 50% of the biomass of some eastern forests. Trees...
A Warm Place at Asheville Ecstatic Dance – Rescheduled
Schedule 10:30am Warmup 11am Opening Circle ~12:30 Closing Circle Price Suggested $10 - NOTAWFLOF Pre-Register Here: Location: A private location in West Asheville. Pre-Register to recieve the location....
What to seem more published mixes & playlists? More music and mix making blog posts and information, more artist highlights?
I can put more energy here if I can divert time from other work. But I can only do that if my rent, bills and food are able to be paid for.

CJ O'Reilly
DJ SeigeA
CJ O'Reilly is a passionate dancer, philosopher, activist and human.
As a DJ, he enjoys putting together music that's interesting, pushes edges, integrates and mixes from diverse pools of culture, and expands experience. He has a particular agenda to expand familiarity with non 4/4 time and other underrepresented musical patterns and frameworks.